SIX DREAMS is a football documentary film produced by Amazon Prime which have been presented the recent year. It is the first Amazon produced spanish film and one of the few football documentaries filmed about football in the 20th century.It is divided in 6 episodes but it is not organised in a story per episode, it shows the six of them in each chapter. It became very popular and it is known as a blockbuster.
In the film we are going to see the development of the 2017-2018 season from six different points of view: three footballers of Real Betis and Atletico de Madrid, the manager of Sevilla FC, the president of SD Eibar and the sports director of Girona FC. They are going to start the season with some goals to accomplish and are going to work hard to achieve them. During the process they will have to overcome lots of obstacles such as destitutions, injuries and losing strikes, but all of them will show their abilities to escape of this tough situations.
Looking at the technical side, I would say it is the best filmed documentary I have ever seen. It has hundreds of scenes filmed with different views, and the music really helps to follow the stories.
The thing I most like of this documentary is that it shows the development of the lifes of people we think are in another superior level and life in a different world and shows a bit that it is not as different to our lifes as we think. Apart from that, it shows us how the football world is and how is the work we don´t usually see, because we are shown only the perfect and incredible football.
Finally, I would reccomeend Six Dreams to all the people who likes football because, as far as I am concerned, it is the best football fil ever.
- Six people startin the new season full of energy.
- They have to come across the setbacks they find.
- 5 of them succeed, but one of them fell in the process.
- YOU: Six different proffesionals.
- NEED: To succeed in their projects.
- GO: They need to work hard.
- SEARCH: To do the best they can.
- FIND: Lots of possitive and negative aspects.
- TAKE: Lose players on their teams.
- RETURN: They finish the season near their objectives.
- CHANGE: They change their minds to start the upcoming season
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