What is mass media? How does it change our lifes?These are really good questions.
The mass media is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication.It transmits information electronically, via such media as radio or televisionDigital media comprises both Internet and mobile mass communication.

In my case, mass media is a esential in my day to day because is something I'm always using. Now I'm going to show you three mass media I use daily:

1.Atresmedia: Atresmedia is the most popular private TV company in Spain. It was created in 1989, and since then, it has owned differerent channels like La Sexta or Neox. I use these channels to watch the news , El Hormiguero or Salvados. The company is middleright side and they say they´re progresists, but la sexta is left sided.

2.EL DIARIO VASCO: This is the most bought newspaper in Gipuzkoa and the one I have been reading for a long time. My parents buy it and I use it to read the sports section which is related to Real Sociedad.the Vocento Group is a right sided company.

3.CADENA SER: La Ser is one of the most listened radio channel in Spain. I listen to it everyday in programmes like El Larguero.It is said that is a progresist mass media

Sometimes, mass media is used to desinformate the readers and try to make them think things that are not true. This type of news are called FAKE NEWS. Now  I´m going to expain to you how it works sowhing a example. In theese days it has taken place the brazilian presidential election. Jair Bolsonaro won them, Unfortunately Jair Bolsonaro won, but he did it getting votes of people who was trickled by Fake news.

As you can see, here we are told that someone related with Bolsonaro


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